
* Take this simple act now to help stop Trump from trashing the earth’s climate

Feel helpless to stop Donald Trump from quitting the Paris Climate Agreement?
You aren’t powerless.

You can help stop him in his tracks this very minute.
Without getting up from your chair or spending a dime.

Just sign this petition. To sign petition, click here.


It will be delivered to leaders of the European Union, United Nations, and several of the 112 countries who support the Paris Agreement. They have the power— economic, political, and legal—to stop him. But they need to know that a lot of Americans will support them.

For example, French President Nicolas Sarkozy has threatened a carbon tax on US goods if Trump reneges on America’s commitment to the Paris Agreement.

“A carbon tariff against the United States is an option for us,” Rodolfo Lacy Tamayo, Mexico’s under secretary for environmental policy and planning, told the New York Times. “We will apply any kind of policy necessary to defend the quality of life for our people, to protect our environment and to protect our industries.”

The New York Times explained how other countries could use the World Trade Organization to stop Trump:

“Countries imposing costs on their own industries to control carbon emissions could tell the World Trade Organization that United States industries are operating under an unfair trade advantage by avoiding any cost for their pollution. The tax would be calculated based on the amount of carbon pollution associated with the manufacturing of each product. That would impose a painful cost on the heaviest industrial polluters, particularly on exporters of products containing steel and cement.”

Donald Trump and his climate change denier allies will control the U.S. Government come January 2017. But they won’t control the rest of the world, which fears the devastation of unrestrained climate change as much as we do.

Consider this a phone call to an International 911 line.
Or a bugle call to bring in the cavalry.
Whatever you call it, sign the petition and please Share It on Facebook with your friends. We need thousands of signatures to show these leaders that the American people will support them.

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